The film, set in 1965, revolves around the conflict between two teenage gangs: the poorer greasers and the wealthier “Socs.” ...
Nobody puts baby in a corner, but they’re putting her in the National Film Registry. “Dirty Dancing,” along with another ...
The National Film Registry adds 'Dirty Dancing,' 'Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan,' 'Beverly Hills Cop,' and more to its list ...
The Library of Congress has just added 25 new movies to the National Film Registry —including cult classics like Dirty ...
Leatherface and the Cortez family are among the well-known faces featured in the annual list of films selected for ...
Patrick Swayze (Johnny Castle) and Jennifer Grey (Frances House) sizzle on screen as the unlikely leading lovers. Though set ...
the supernatural romance she costarred in with the late Patrick Swayze. "It had so many different genres mixed together that, truly, I thought, 'This could either be amazing or a f---ing disaster ...
Dirty Dancing,” along with another 1980s culture-changer, “Beverly Hills Cop,” are entering the Library of Congress’ registry ...