The U.S. Coast Guard intercepted an overloaded migrant boat carrying more than 130 people from Haiti, including small children, near the Florida Keys last week. The sailboat was traveling between ...
Another migrant smuggling boat was stopped approaching South Florida last week with people from various nations on board, according to a federal criminal complaint filed Wednesday. The ...
The U.S. Coast Guard sent 132 Haitians back to their home country after intercepting their vessel southeast of the Florida Keys last ... 313 illegal aliens to Haiti since the beginning of fiscal ...
The boat was intercepted by Coast Guard agents 50 miles southeast of Marathon, Florida last week ... have repatriated a total of 313 people to Haiti. Last year, 857 people were returned to ...
The US Coast Guard cut off an “overloaded” boat packed with 132 Haitian migrants about 50 miles off the Florida coastline — and shipped them back home on Monday, officials said. The Coast ...
The interception of the boat is the latest in a series of recent migrant smuggling ... agents he traveled from Haiti to the Bahamas before embarking for South Florida, the complaint states.
MIAMI — The U.S. Coast Guard intercepted an overloaded migrant boat carrying more than 130 people from Haiti, including small children, near the Florida Keys last week. The sailboat was ...
U.S Coast Guard crew members process migrants who were found on a smuggling boat Tuesday ... The people on board were from China, Haiti and Bangladesh, according to the Homeland Security ...