In the West, he is most often depicted as the antagonist – if a noble and revered one – to the crusader king, Richard the ...
The two ideologies emerged during the Crusades and continue to justify Israel's conquest, genocide, and western-backed ...
Brno-Rome. Bijovsky [Glücksmann] G. and Kool R. 1995. Crusader Period Finds from the Temple Mount Excavations in Jerusalem. ‘Atiqot 26:87-104. Boas A.J. 2001. Jerusalem in the Time of the Crusades: ...
Many people responded to the Pope's wishes by joining the Crusades - showing this by cutting out red crosses and sewing them onto their tunics. The loss of Jerusalem was a terrible blow to the ...
Hagenmeyer ed.). Heidelberg 1913. Gibson S. and Lewis R. 2023. Capturing Jerusalem: the Fātimid/Seljūk, Crusader and Ayyūbid Fortifications, Ditches and Military Outworks of the City. Journal of ...
Professor of art history Kathryn Moore organized a virtual conference on Webex about the sacred art and spaces of Jerusalem featuring scholars and art historians Heba Mostafa, Megan Boomer and ...
Following the Third Crusade, Acre served as the de facto capital ... Telephone: *2421 * Extension 4 Jerusalem Post or 03-7619056 Fax: 03-5613699 E-mail: [email protected] The center is staffed ...