One of the most outstanding messengers in ancient history was Euchid, who gained fame for his journey following the Battle of Salamis in 480 BC. It is believed that he covered an impressive distance ...
There are many strong and powerful women, or femme fatales, in Greek mythology, such as Circe, Clytemnestra, Artemisia, and Medea.
I did think, “Salamis reads like the plural of salami ... suspicion of “xeno” – the foreigner – in some parts of Greece, no matter how exposed. Attitudes haven’t changed much in ...
a year before the Battle of Salamis. Thereafter China began a long period of civil war that would last for over 250 years. Mesoamerica: During the 5th and 6th centuries BC, the ancient Olmec ...
Dating back to 1400 BC, the Oracle of Delphi was the most important shrine in all Greece, and in theory all ... famous incident before the Battle of Salamis when the Pythia first predicted doom ...