GNN has reported often on the links between gaming and positive mental development (or at least lack of negative influence).
The eradication couldn't have been accomplished without the hard work of state residents, who for months diligently reported ...
The suspect is believed to be part of a network involved in the major supply of pangolin scales to trafficking networks based ...
With the beard, the digitally rendered appearance is remarkably like that recounted in the 1823 poem, Twas the Night Before ...
Tests also revealed that both Tom and Hannah had faulty gene copies which Frankie had inherited. The couple were told their ...
Mastodon remains are much rarer than those of North American mammoth species, and Orange County is a hot bed of mastodon ...
The thick-billed parrot is a characteristic and emblematic species of the Southwest, and occurred in both Arizona and New ...
With 8,000 figures and 10 known officers, one might hypothesize that each general commanded 800 men, suggesting more figures ...
In most other mammals, like dogs, sheep, rabbits, and horses, mutations in a protein called Mc1r lead to red hair color, but ...
Performing CPR and eventually using a defibrillator, Harris restarted Myers' heart before an ambulance took him to the ...
She wants to be a satellite programmer for NASA, and thinks MIT would be the best course of action for such a career.
While most home cooks would struggle to make a fungus the starring role 7 nights in a row, she had learned plenty of recipes ...