Darren Criss, the beloved star of television's "Glee," and the Broadway musical "Maybe Happy Ending," helps "Sunday Morning" celebrate Christmas with a performance of the Hugh Martin-Ralph Blane ...
Darren Criss (the beloved star of television's "Glee," and the Broadway musical "Maybe Happy Ending") and the Young People's Chorus of New York City help "Sunday Morning" celebrate Christmas with a ...
Darren Criss became a fan favorite on the hit TV series "Glee," and won an Emmy for "American Crime Story." Now he's starring ...
Darren Criss became a fan favorite on the hit TV series "Glee," and won an Emmy for "American Crime Story." Now he's starring ...
Many audiences come to The Great White Way to avoid the real world. But some of the best live theater this year superbly ...
Darren Criss and Helen J Shen visited Late Night with Seth Meyers to discuss the new Broadway musical Maybe Happy Ending. Set ...
Appearing in support of "The Six Triple Eight," Kerry Washington pays a visit to "Late Night With Seth Meyers." Washington ...
Great news to share for fans of Happy Ending, the new musical starring Darren Criss and Helen J Shen. On social media, the ...
Will Aronson and Hue Park’s score to the new musical “Maybe Happy Ending” will be preserved on an original cast recording.
Helen J Shen got the role she’s been waiting for with Maybe Happy Ending.
With the Golden Globe nominations now officially announced, anticipating is building over who will land Academy Award nods.
To support the new Netflix film "The Six Triple Eight," star Kerry Washington will visit "Late Night With Seth Meyers." NBC ...