London could lose its beloved West End if chain hotels and restaurants are allowed to replace independent locations, the boss ...
London’s famous Prince Charles Cinema has shared an update on its current battle against potential closure by its landlords.
The Prince Charles Cinema in London launched an online petition last month asking for supporters to help save the venue.
The operators of a cult London cinema have said they are “feeling more positive” about securing an agreement with its landlord after it was at risk of closure. The Prince Charles Cinema ...
A threat from developer Asif Aziz to London’s famed Prince Charles Cinema has galvanised those fed up with the city’s disregard for its own culture. The Prince Charles Cinema is famed for its ...
The Prince Charles Cinema (PCC) has come out swinging in its fight against closure, but the threat still remains. The iconic West End picture house which has been around since the Sixties and is one ...
The Prince Charles Cinema (PCC) has come out swinging in its fight against closure, but the threat still remains. The iconic West End picture house which has been around since the Sixties and is ...
Even bespoke venues like the famous Prince Charles Cinema in London are under threat.Credit: AP What used to be an accessible and culturally enriching activity is now overpriced and out of reach ...