【記者鮮明/台中報導】台中市發生一起離奇槍毒案,1名53歲陳姓男子上月(11月)底在北屯區某停車場吞毒品尋短,送醫獲救,但警方竟在他車內及租屋處起出4把手槍、900多發子彈,並一口氣查獲326塊海洛因磚,市價超過8億元。陳男已被檢察官向法院聲押獲准, ...
今(19)日下午1點24分,全聯位於台中市大肚區的倉儲發生火警,消防人員第一時間掌握現場約有20人受困,一名24歲男子從4樓跳下逃生,當場失去生命跡象,送往沙鹿光田醫院急救依然不治。 整起火災造成9人死亡、7人受傷。
BI analyzed nearly 1,500 cases to obtain data on prisoner litigation. We found that constitutional protections have been ...
發生大地震前,是否有前兆?今年嘉南地區地震頻率是往年的四倍,有學者認為,地殼移動加速,恐怕是大地震的前兆。也有專家警告,梅山斷層已經接近臨震時期。經濟部近期公告三案地質敏感區,分別在南投、台東、台南,其中位於南投的初鄉斷層,未來50年可能有大規模地震 ...
(中央社記者黃巧雯台北19日電)健行科大前鋒 劉丞勳 今天大專籃球聯賽( UBA )預賽對戰北市大,拿下25分,超越曾祥鈞1220分,成為公開男一級歷史得分王,他說,開心一下下就好,後續希望為球隊拿下冠軍。
Sen. Roger Marshall led other Republican senators in creating the "MAHA" caucus to work in tandem with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
In a worrying sign for Ukraine, the incoming Trump administration has signaled its disapproval of some of its recent attacks ...
Emma Delaney Hancock will spend four years behind bars. The sentencing was read in court Wednesday afternoon after the jury ...
Israel’s military launched deadly strikes on Houthi targets in Yemen early Thursday, just hours after the Iran-backed ...
Bengaluru is often referred to as the "Silicon Valley" of India. But rapid urbanization is putting stress on the city and its ...
The Metropolitan Police faces a “steep budget cliff” at the same time officers are seeing increased levels on violence on ...