Damascus, SANA- President of the Syrian Arab Republic, Ahmad al-Sharaa, said that Syria is a State of law, and the law will ...
The Syrian Ministry of Defense, announced on Monday the conclusion of the military operation against the remnants of the ...
President al-Sharaa added “Today, as we stand at this critical moment, we find ourselves facing a new danger, represented by ...
Amman, SANA- The final statement of the Meeting of Syria’s Neighboring Countries, which concluded Sunday in the Jordanian ...
Damascus, SANA- The Acting Minister of Health, Dr. Maher al-Sharaa, discussed ways to enhance joint cooperation with a ...
Amman, SANA-The foreign ministers of the countries participating in the Syria’s Neighboring Countries meeting, which was held ...
Zaidan further clarified that, according to the regulatory framework issued by the authority, the display, sale, ownership, ...
Damascus, SANA-The Ministry of Information affirmed that hostile parties are intensifying their provocative campaigns through ...
Damas-SANA / Le président de la République arabe syrienne, M. Ahmad Charaa, a affirmé que la Syrie est un État de droit, et ...
Ankara, 10 mar (SANA) El presidente turco, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, condenó en los términos más enérgicos todo ataque contra la ...
הנשיא מר אחמד א-שרע בראיון לסוכנות הידיעות רויטרס: סוריה היא מדינת חוק, והחוק יעשה את שלו עבור כולם. בעצם יצאנו להתעמת עם ...
آقای رئیس‌جمهور احمد الشرع تأکید کرد که سوریه کشوری مبتنی بر قانون است و قانون بر همه افراد اعمال خواهد شد. وی تصریح کرد که ...