Two new retail leases have been signed at Mission Rock, and a long-awaited French bakery has opened its doors in the ...
Park Newport Apartments plans to add 366 units at a total cost of $293 million at 1 Park Newport on the Back Bay.
The 135,oo-square-foot building was built-to-suit for the Internal Revenue Service, an agency that Trump is at war with.
The developer plans to build The Meuse, featuring retail, restaurants, tasting rooms and a small luxury hotel.
Los Angeles may soon consider how to lower the cost of building apartments by allowing just one single stairway.
A megalisting priced at $175 million has hit the market for a piece of Benedict Canyon once slated for a Bulgari-branded ...
Get insights on the New York City Industrial Market 2024, including rent increases and changes in vacancy rates.
Ralph Arias, One Sotheby’s International Realty’s top agent in 2024, closed almost all of his deals off-market last year.
Hospitality brand Grupo Gitano recently inked a lease at 89 South Street in the Seaport District building, where it plans to ...
P3 Markets and Chicago Neighborhood Initiatives are finalists for the right to redevelop a city-owned tract in Roseland.
Trump loving boxing promoter Don King allegedly defaulted on a $5.1 million loan secured by a Deerfield Beach warehouse.
A Black-led firm, African American Sports and Entertainment Group (AASEG), is close to purchasing Alameda County's half of ...