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临近圣诞,有些城市的汽油价格走势却不那么“给力”。点击 ▶ 收听完整报道。 点击 ▶ 收听播客。 据国家道路与汽车驾驶者协会(NRMA)透露,由于圣诞前汽油价格周期达到峰值,布里斯班和墨尔本的油价将上涨,而悉尼的油价则有望小幅回落。
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A program aiming to help improve water quality in the Mandoon Bilya (Helena River) has uncovered a population of the ...
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澳大利亚国家统计局(ABS)首次估算,大约4.5%的澳大利亚人属于性少数群体(LGBTIQ+ )。 澳大利亚统计局根据2022年参与四项健康调查其中一项的近45000人的数据,计算有多少人属于LGBTIQ+群体。
Bayanihan and mateship, seniors in Australia have extended their support for 'Eggs for Growth', a project involving backyard ...
The official route for the 2025 edition of La Vuelta a Espana is revealed from Madrid, Spain.