They are offering a unique new program called “El Camino de San Antonio Missions” that will present you with a special commemorative certificate or “Compostela” when you walk or bike along the Mission ...
Paw-ticipants will dress in festive St. Patrick's attire to compete for the title of 2025 Lucky Dog and a grand prize!
Cardinal Robert McElroy, a well-known advocate for immigrant rights, is expected to provide a counterbalance to Trump ...
In his installation Mass, McElroy addressed some of the nation's current tensions but also emphasized the need for hope and ...
Back home, in Germany, the touchstone moment for organ music came with Johann Sebastian Bach during the Baroque period, he ...
A Tuesday brush fire that spread quickly and required the help of San Antonio firefighters and other agencies has been ...
Speaking at a news conference at the Diocese of San Diego, where he has served as bishop for over a decade, McElroy ...
Note: 1% did not answer the question. Figures may not sum to 100% due to rounding. Explore charts about: Explore charts about: Search by region, state, or metro area Recommended citation: Pew Research ...
After being installed as the head of the Diocese of Tyler on Monday, Bishop John Gregory Kelly introduced himself to the 120,000 Roman Catholics in the "beautiful, expansive" churches of East Texas.
Johnny R. Castillo Jr. of Floresville, Texas, took his final breath here on earth and his first in heaven on Monday, Feb. 17, ...
the possibility of a papal transition has led many to consider the candidates who could step in to lead the Catholic Church into the next chapter. Among the most talked-about figures is Cardinal Luis ...
AMARILLO, Texas (KFDA) - Catholic Charities of the Texas Panhandle announced Monday it is indefinitely pausing services offered through the Refugee Resettlement Program. According to an ...