Two U.S. Army South (USARSOUTH) Soldiers, deployed as members of Joint Task Force Southern Guard (JTF-SG), took that commitment to new heights by choosing to raise their right hands in a setting that ...
U.S. immigration and military authorities disclosed that immigrants from 27 countries were being held at Guantanamo Bay Naval ...
The Saudi prisoner agreed to the settlement to avoid a death-penalty trial, his lawyer said, but it has yet to reach the ...
President Trump said the base would house as many as 30,000 migrants awaiting deportation. But construction of a tent city ...
Members of Congress visited Guantanamo Bay last week as there is renewed attention on the military base, which is now being used to hold illegal immigrants, including some that may pose an additional ...
In the early nineteen-nineties, Haitian refugees and asylum seekers were held on the base in abysmal conditions. Their ...
Military flights to Guantanamo cost up to $27,000 per detainee, while ICE charter flights are cheaper, but still entail financial burdens, including security personnel and medical staff ...
The Trump administration is moving to house 30,000 migrants at Guantanamo Bay – though the plan is seeing a few bumps in its road to implementation ...
When boots hit the ground and luggage is off-loaded, someone must be there to guarantee personnel and resources ...