A team of researchers led by Richard Parker of the University of Sheffield, alongside undergraduate Jessica Diamond, ...
A pair of massive thunderstorms have been spotted swirling in Jupiter's "South Equatorial Belt" and are likely unleashing ...
Using the James Webb Space Telescope, scientists have found a record-breaking distant galaxy observed just 290 million years ...
A surprising Christmas gift has been received by the scientists this year in the form of a potential solution to the mystery ...
With 2024 coming to a close, we look at the biggest space achievements of the year from NASA, SpaceX, China, and more.
Researchers at the University of Central Florida have revolutionized our understanding of the solar system's formation with ...
The James Webb Space Telescope reveals new details about Chiron, a unique asteroid-comet hybrid, offering insights into its composition and the early solar system's formation.
JWST uncovered Chiron’s rare ices and gases, providing new insights into its unique activity and its link to the solar system ...
The James Webb telescope has focused its attention on an oddball space rock lurking between Jupiter and Neptune. The unusual ...
Scientists using NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope have studied Chiron, a centaur orbiting between Jupiter and Neptune, ...
What did you get fot X-mas? Scientists may have been gifted with a solution to the mystery of juMBOs, strange celestial ...
NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope now includes asteroids on its list of objects studied and secrets revealed. A team led by ...