A long report by Article18, CSW, Open Doors and Middle East Concern raises the issue. The future for migrants is uncertain ...
The Chinese president is on a three-day visit to the former Portuguese colony 25 years after its return to Chinese ...
新加坡(亚洲新闻) - 新加坡荣休总主教谢益裕(Nicholas Chia)于周二去世,享年86 岁。 他被称为“人民的神父”,他选择“Omniaomnibus”,即“一切皆为所有人”作为其主教的座右铭。
访问期间,习近平不吝引用澳门作为“一国两制”实践的成功典范,而该协议因近年来香港的严厉镇压而失去了所有意义。他说:“澳门是祖国的掌上明珠,我一直惦念着这里的发展和全体居民的福祉。” ...
Leader of the local Church from 2001 to 2013, he is being remembered for his spirituality and interfaith dialogue. Prime ...
科伦坡(亚洲新闻)- 斯里兰卡是世界上自杀率最高的国家之一。尽管近年来有所下降,但这种现象仍然令人担忧,尤其是12岁至25岁之间的年轻人。据世界卫生组织 (WHO) ...
过去几天,两项合并选举的宪法修正案提案已提交议会,但未获得议会批准。计划是同时举行一般磋商和个别国家磋商。对包括印度人民党在内的支持者来说,这项制度将掩盖地区政党的角色。 新德里(亚洲新闻) - 印度议会下院人民院否决了两项修改宪法的法案,从而允许实施总理纳伦德拉·莫迪及其政党推动的“一国一选举”计划,印度人民党(BJP) 。 12 月 17 日,尽管有 269 票赞成、198 ...
South Korea has introduced a voluntary repatriation programme for illegal migrants that would avoid expulsion and include a ...
Ha guidato la Chiesa locale dal 2001 al 2013, viene ricordato per la spiritualità e il dialogo interreligioso. Il primo ...
In the past few days, two proposals for constitutional amendments to merge elections had been tabled but did not receive parliamentary approval. The plan was to hold the general consultations and ...
According to the WHO, around 3,000 people in the country take their own lives every year. A large proportion are young ...