"The People’s Joker," a superhero parody cinematic anomaly, revolves around a transwoman, Joker the Harlequin (Vera Drew, who also directs), as she looks to penetrate the Gotham media scene as a stand ...
Out actor Sir Ian McKellen is the titular character in "The Critic," now available on DVD, the feared and reviled drama critic for The Daily Chronicle, a "right-wing rag" in early 1930s London.
Science magazine has chosen twice-yearly lenacapavir PrEP as its 2024 Breakthrough of the Year, recognizing it as a ...
The man accused of stabbing gay reality TV star Eduardo Xol to death in Palm Springs is in no hurry to go to trial.
El Cerrito City Councilmember Carolyn Wysinger, a Black lesbian, made history Tuesday when her colleagues voted for her to be ...
We’re making a list (every week), checking it twice, and while we don’t care if you’re naughty or nice, we’ve got plenty of ...
The cousin of a Black gay arts student found hanging outside the Concord BART station back in 1985 wants the case reopened.
We sought and found tidings of comfort and joy — to quote "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlefolk." And, in the midst of great ...
In several weeks gay District 8 Supervisor Rafael Mandelman will know if he will wield the gavel at Board of Supervisors ...
The Texas Longhorns wasted no time putting this game out of reach against the Florida Gators. Quinn Ewers delivered a stellar ...
For gay and bisexual men of a certain age, Playgirl provided the first in-hand periodical that featured full-frontal male ...
Democratic lawmakers face a tough decision, and we would argue that they should have voted against it — the NDAA would have ...