Over 20 months in, the war in Sudan shows no sign of slowing down and, in fact, continues to escalate. UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, warns that the recent surge in arrivals in South Sudan is ...
GENÈVE - Nous célébrons aujourd'hui le 15e anniversaire de l'adoption de la Convention de l'Union africaine sur la protection et l'assistance aux personnes déplacées en Afrique (Convention de Kampala) ...
Aligned with UNHCR’s Global Results Framework, the Participatory Assessment Analytical Framework/Taxonomy is a tool to define which topics will be covered during the participatory assessment and to ...
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, UN agencies and humanitarian organizations are calling on States to protect refugees and migrants in distress at sea, including through enhanced search and rescue (SAR) ...
While recent developments bring hope and a chance for peace and stability, they also underscore the immense challenges facing displaced Syrians inside the country and refugees abroad.   The situation ...
After living on the margins of society for most of their lives, nearly 220,000 people have been granted nationality by Central Asian states over the past decade.
La plupart des réfugiés vivent dans des milieux où ils ont autant accès aux marchés et services que les communautés locales. En offrant une aide en espèces aux réfugiés, on leur permet de répondre à l ...
The Rights Mapping and Analysis Platform (RiMAP) is a digital Platform designed to provide information about laws and policies relating to the rights for refugees, asylum-seekers, internally displaced ...
In Oekraïne vielen dit jaar de meeste burgerslachtoffers sinds het begin van de oorlog. Elektriciteitsnetten worden voortdurend aangevallen, waardoor mensen worden blootgesteld aan ijskoude ...