YouTube has vowed to enforce stricter measures against clickbait videos that cover breaking news and current events.
A day before a potential government shutdown, the House resoundingly rejected President-elect Donald Trump's new plan to fund ...
A Russian ballistic missile attack on Ukraine’s capital Kyiv early Friday killed at least one person and wounded 12 other ...
中信兄弟外野手詹子賢球季結束行使FA成為自由球員,傳出引來台鋼雄鷹開出7年合約、平均月薪90萬鉅約,激勵獎金另計,最高總額超過8000萬搶人。不過詹子賢最終還是以5年平均月薪80萬以上,選擇繼續留在兄弟。有網友今(20日)在Threads爆料,詹子賢 ...
《憲法訴訟法》相關修正案在今晚18點09分三讀通過,立法院長韓國瑜敲槌,通過內容包括,憲法法院參與的評議大法官人數,最少要10人,違憲宣告則必須至少9人,民眾黨版本再加上,如果大法官有缺額必須要在2個月內補足提名,還有在大法官做出判決跟暫時處分時,由 ...
What were once thought to be traces of the Moon's formation are remnants from a 're-melting' event, research indicates.
These are all of the best gadgets Engadget editors bought this year, from wired headphones to to rice cookers to VR headsets.
OGE Energy is the parent company of Oklahoma Gas & Electric Co., which serves customers in Oklahoma and western Arkansas. The company has approximately 2,300 employees.